Registered Massage Therapy can assist the body in restoring and maintaining optimal health. Massage Therapy is an effective approach to pain management, rehabilitation and stress reduction. RMT’s specialize in treating a wide range of conditions such as migraines, tendonitis, arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, as well as many other common conditions related to soft tissue and joint dysfunction. Massage therapy can also help to support Fertility Management and Prenatal care.
Prenatal Massage
Pregnancy, or pre-natal massage, is a natural way to support a woman throughout her pregnancy. Some of the benefits of pre-natal massage include:
- Decrease in depression and anxiety
- Relief of muscle aches and joint pain
- Decreased leg cramps
- Reduction of swelling and improved circulation
- Improvement in nerve pain
- Improved labour outcomes and newborn health
- Promotes relaxation and a feeling of well-being

Your wellness journey begins here. We are your holistic health partner. Book today with one of our integrative Practitioners.
Stay up to date with our Body Work
Acupuncture and Female Fertility
The following articles review how acupuncture can be useful in promoting female fertility: Fertil Steril. 2002 Apr;77(4):721-4. Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy. Paulus WE, Zhang M, Strehler...
Collagen: Debunking Myths
Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It is now touted as the best anti-aging product available. Collagen can be injected into the face and lips to give a more plump and youthful appearance. It is often added into creams but it has become increasingly...
Biofeedback to reduce stress
Biofeedback as a Tool to Manage Stress Stress, it’s not all bad. Stress is a physiological response that arises when we encounter a situation that we do not have the ability to manage. How do we respond to stress? Let’s begin by understanding how our bodies...