New Beginnings: Starting the Fertility New Year Right

by Jan 9, 2017Fertility

Fertility Naturopathic Doctor

The Fertility Journey is often faced with many challenges. Here are my top 5 Fertility Lifestyle tips for keeping motivated in 2017:


  • New perspective. If you have been working with a fertility doctor for a lengthy period of time you may want to consider a second opinion. Each fertility doctor has their own unique approach to treatment protocols. Many patients have often shared their stories where a fresh start with a new doctor has made all the difference.


  • Rally your support. The fertility journey can be very isolating. Oftentimes it may seem like everyone around you is getting pregnant, and easily! One woman shared her experience where her sister, sister-in-law, best friend and even hairdresser became pregnant in the same month. She felt badly that she harboured resentment to people she liked and cared for but could no longer talk to on a regular basis. I encouraged her to release her emotions in our sessions and to confide in a good friend about her recent failed IVF attempt. After sharing her feelings with a trusted confidante, she was able to let go and concentrate on improving her own general health. She also discovered that she was not alone. Her friend with two young children had also experienced problems with conception. The message here is to allow yourself the comfort and support of those who care for you and who can also act as your champions along the way.


  • Eat well. To eat well, not only do we consider what we eat, but how we eat. If lunch is consumed hurriedly at your desk while answering emails, you are likely not properly absorbing the nutrients from that delicious salad. Likewise, when eating dinner at home in front of the TV or while on the phone with a friend, digestion can be compromised. For proper absorption of your prenatal vitamin, CoQ10 and other supplements, optimal digestion is required. Avoid consuming large amounts of liquid before and during meals which dilutes important enzymes that assist in the digestion process. Conscious eating involves conscious planning of creating mealtimes that foster a relaxed atmosphere and mindset.


  • Sleep well. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the hours between 9 to 11pm are the best times to promote a healthy sleep. This means turning off your cell phone, TV, laptop and any other electrical device before 9pm. In TCM there is an organ clock that represents when each organ is functioning optimally. The ‘TCM kidney’ is responsible for reproduction. Acupuncture is often used to strengthen these organ meridians. Good quality sleep is essential for any fertility protocol and often does not get addressed. Seek support if you struggle with insomnia or unrefreshed sleep. It could be impacting your fertility. Sleep is often compromised during the 3rd trimester and definitely after baby is born, so bank your sleep now!


  • Relax well. In my practice, I often focus on stress reduction when addressing fertility concerns. This can be supported by acupuncture and some nutritional supplements like a B-complex and a magnesium. Relaxing well actually requires planning. In our busy lives filled with endless tasks, relaxation is not seen as a priority. I recommend adding relaxation to your schedule. This may involve attending a yoga class or listening to a fertility meditation or reading a book. It may seem indulgent at first but it is necessary to recharge. Give to yourself and you will find you will have more to give to others. Giving to yourself also creates the right environment for conception. Nourish your body, your mind and spirit.


Good-luck on your fertility journey in 2017.


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